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Let’s strip things right back to basics for your retail job search. Here is a list of job searching tips that will be helpful for you to fine-tune your job search, write a resume and be successful at a job interview. Be clear on what you want - Identify your career expectations. Doing this will help narrow your job search and direct you to only apply for retail positions that align with your goals and relate to industry experience and skill set.
Your application, be an obvious fit - Before applying to a job, study the job advertisement and in your cover letter reflect the words and phrases that are in the job ad, it is important to make sure that you can match your retail experience and skill requirements to the expectations outlined in the job advertisement.
Show your personal brand and professionalism - Does your email address and voice message reflect the person that the company is looking to hire? Think about your personal brand in relation to a job application. What your potential future employer will experience when they see your application or call you to talk about potentially progressing to a job interview. Your email and voice message are the very first impressions they will have of you, so make sure it's up to scratch!
Resume - Make sure your resume is easy to read, use a regular font, and be straight to the point when it comes to outlining your job experience. Start with your current job including the company name and your position title and dates that you have worked for the business. Then detail your responsibilities and achievements for this job (this can be in bullet point or list format. It is important to make sure that you demonstrate the specific skills that are relevant to the job you're applying for. List your work experience in the same way for previous roles - keep it relevant, if you need to go back more than 10 years you can say “previous experience is available on request” Make sure your contact details are included at the beginning of your resume. You've landed an interview! - listed below are 4 job interview tips to help you nail it and make a lasting impression.
First impressions last - Look the part and arrive on time! Be sure to dress for the job you want. Research the company to help you decide what is appropriate. If you're working with a recruiter, ask them about the dress code. Plan your travel and arrive 5-10 minutes early, this gives you time to scope out the environment and get off to a good start. Good Manners and body language - Remember that non-verbal communication is JUST as important as anything you may say in the interview. Also, make sure your mobile phone is off or on silent so you don’t have any interruptions.
Be confident and speak clearly - Listen carefully to the questions and provide relevant answers linking examples to your current job if appropriate. Some questions may not be about the job eg why should we employ you - be ready to shine! At the end of the interview you might be asked if you have any questions, it is ok to have a few. Perhaps save talking about money if it isn’t raised by the interviewer, ask your recruiter for some guidance on this.
Leave on a positive note - Always be sure to thank them for taking the time to meet with you.
Job hunting takes time and patience. The right preparation will relieve some of your stress. The more you prepare, the more confident you will be and will set yourself up to nail it and score your perfect job. Practice makes it a lot easier! Good luck!
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Part 2 of our 20th birthday celebration
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