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We asked our candidates what they think the benefits are of using an agency like Retailworld for their job hunt. Here’s the scoop!
It’s a completely free service where you have your own dedicated account manager invested in your job hunt! What have you got to lose?
You can focus on your current job and not feel stressed to search when you come home. The whole process is managed by your dedicated account manager including the scheduling of interviews & salary negotiations. They’re basically like your own personal job agent!
An agency can get your resume in front of the right people much faster than traditional online applications because of the relationships they have with their clients. They’re also able to present you as a full package and not just a resume, getting you past the biggest hurdle which is securing that initial interview.
Your account manager can provide real-time feedback on your interview style. They set you up to succeed by going over typical questions that are asked in interviews, how to dress for certain brands, how to conduct yourself and ultimately feel more comfortable throughout the process so you can be yourself without sweating the small things! A great agency will also have plenty of free resources to set you up for success like this.
Retailworld provides career planning advice & salary benchmarking. If you’re not sure where you sit in the market. The account managers are knowledgeable about the retail industry and the culture of a company based on feedback from other candidates. They have so much exposure and really take the time to understand the industry and pass on this information to you! Have you met our team?
There are so many more reasons why using an agency could be beneficial for you! If you’re still unsure about how to start a relationship with an agency, please don’t hesitate to call any time. Find your local Retailworld office here.
The hiring landscape has shifted, and recruiters now shape where top talent goes. Companies that treat agencies as true partners gain a competitive edge, while those that don’t risk losing out.
Discover effective strategies to attract top candidates for seasonal retail jobs as the holiday season approaches. Prepare your store for success during peak seasons with competitive wages and a streamlined application process.
Partnering with a recruitment agency unlocks unlimited potential for your business
In a world of counter-offers, multi-offers and candidate vanishing acts having a well-defined brand will help you build a strong connection between candidates and your open roles. This will help you achieve your hiring goals and secure quality candidates when they are faced with multiple options on the table.
Here's how to go the extra mile when searching for talent to fill your open vacancy.
By 2004 Retailworld had really taken off and it didn’t show any signs of slowing!