Retail is thriving in ACT. Retailworld is your specialist retail recruitment agency for retail jobs in Canberra and across the ACT region recruiting for Sales, Management, FMCG, Fashion, Luxury, Boutique, Large Format and Executive including Area Manager. Retailworld represents local and international brands recruiting retail jobs in fashion, luxury, boutique and large format. Whether you are looking for your next retail job at DFO, a flagship location in CIVIC, your local shopping centre in Woden, Belconnen, Tuggeranong, Barton or the CBD talk to us!
Talk to us about: Retail career mapping and mentoring, retail jobs in Australia and New Zealand, industry networking and more!
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Laura AndersonSenior Account Manager - NSW & ACT
Liam TurnerGroup Systems and Process Coordinator
Trish McLeanExecutive Director
John CaldwellGroup CEO
Shaun CrowleyGroup COO
Chona Fe MercadoGroup Administrator
Camille MariAssistant Accountant
Krischen BalberanGroup Marketing Manager
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Assistant Manager
Large Format
Visual Merchandiser
Store Manager
Luxury Sales
Showroom Manager
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