Jeanette Rendle from Retailworld to RWR Health
Tell us about your journey. When did you start with Retailworld? What roles have you held within the business?
I started in September 2001. Just after the twin towers came down in New York. It was a strange time in the world. I joined Trish as she was going through chemo, to support the business in its early days. There were just 4 of us at the time. Trish, Mandy, Jodi and myself. My background was in retail store management and visual merchandising. I had 9 years with Rodd & Gunn across Australasia and a short stint in homewares. I was ready for a change when I interviewed with Trish and she suggested recruitment. My journey with Retailworld Resourcing began.
I started in storefront recruitment with the technology, hardware, and large format portfolio. Those early days included selling adverts in the paper, business development all day, every day, and doing cheque dances.
I stepped into executive recruitment and team leadership before relocating to Hawke’s Bay in 2008. During my first 7 years at RWR, I got engaged, celebrated by 30th, married, purchased and renovated a house and had 2 children. Fast forward 10 years (7 of which were spent at the DHB and studying HR) then in 2018 I rejoined the business when I purchased RWR Health Lower North Island.
When Trish and John offered me the opportunity to buy into the health brand, I didn’t hesitate. Not only was the franchise model a hugely successful one - with excellent operational, financial and marketing support - I also continued to align with the values of the business and the people in it. It was also a real thrill to join at ground zero again and be instrumental in building brand, clients, candidates and reputation.
What would you say your biggest (or favourite) achievement has been since working here?
My greatest achievement has been coming full circle. Leaving Auckland and Retailworld in 2008 and a decade later purchasing RWR Health Lower North Island in February 2018.
What do you love most about working for RWR Group?
The passionate people who work in the group, the friendships formed beyond work and the incredible organisations in the health sector that I partner with. The candidates and clients I have the privilege of working with make a difference every day in our communities.
Memories, let's hear them! The ones that bring the biggest smile to your dial, the ones that defined your career, the ones that made you who you are.
Cheque dances in Newmarket circa 2001, the whole team coming to my wedding in 2003, dreadful morning sickness in 2004 and vomiting into a bucket under my desk whilst clients were on hold. Trish’s pink wig, selling newspaper advertising in the Retail Rush, being a founding member of the business and helping to build the business and its reputation. The wonderful necklace gifted to me when I went on maternity leave, that I still wear to this day. Friday drinks with “orange food group”, foosball competitions that invariably Mike would win, Ben Harman wearing a spacesuit to one of our annual franchise conferences, amazing incentives that were tracked via the incredible artwork of Chris Millar. There are so many good memories and no doubt many more to come!