The Shift in Hiring Dynamics: Why Brands Need to Rethink Their Approach to Recruitment Agencies The hiring landscape has shifted, and recruiters now shape where top talent goes. Companies that treat agencies as true partners gain a competitive edge, while those that don’t risk losing out. Take a look
UNIQLO Retail Employer Of The Year Winners Part 1 Talent Acquisition Partner, Ketty Chiang, UNIQLO - Winners of the 2021 Retail Employer Of The Year - Large Category AU Take a look
GAZMAN Retail Employer Of The Year Winner Q&A HR Manager, Shannon Aland, GAZMAN - Winners of the 2021 Retail Employer Of The Year - Medium Category AU Take a look
Retail Employer Of The Year - 2021 Results The results are in! Find out whose employer brand is a cut above the rest, and have taken the title of Retail Employer Of The Year 2021! Take a look
Examples of Personalization to try in your Retail Business Personalisation for consumers is fast becoming an expected necessity in today's world. The experience it brings makes your customers feel important and valued, shows that you understand their needs and in turn will drive the sales of your product. Take a look
Skills Every Sales Associate Should Have Essential skills for a successful retail sales career and how you can develop them! Take a look
Life after lockdown - the habits we should keep Moving back to life as we know, what habits should we keep that COVID has taught us? Take a look
#supportlocal - What you can do to make a difference Now is the time to come together as a community and #supportlocal Take a look
Enticing your customers back in store Foot traffic is open for business, here's how to entice customers back into your store. Take a look
The importance of keeping a daily routine Having structure in your day while being at home is a crucial part of managing your mental health Take a look
Eating healthy when you're stressed A balanced diet is one of the most positive contributions you can manage to help with stress reduction Take a look
Making your mental health a priority Now more than ever we need to prioritize our mental health. These simple steps are a good starting point. Take a look
Advice for navigating your business through COVID-19 Resources to help answer any legal questions you may be asking while leading your business through COVID-19 Take a look
Updating your resume & standing out successfully Don't let your resume get lost in a sea of applicants. Read here how to stand out from the crowd. Take a look
How we are using technology to stay socially distant Staying connected to our team, clients and candidates is essential. These are the tools were using. Take a look
Having tough conversations with employees Hard conversations are inevitable, ensure you're prepared to handle these in the best possible way. Take a look
Have you been made redundant? An unexpected change to your job, whether that be reduced hours or redundancy can be a difficult time to navigate. Take a look
How to answer: "Any questions for me?" We've compiled a list of the most common questions candidates ask their potential future employer, and how to answer them. Take a look
Do you earn above or below the industry average? Closely examine and uncover salary benchmarks, motivation... Take a look
Recognising & Celebrating The Best! 2020 Retail Employer of the Year - Finalists & Winners... Take a look
Top 5 Reasons Why Candidates Use Recruitment Agencies We asked our candidates what they think the benefits are of using an agency like Retailworld for their job hunt. Here’s the scoop! Take a look
Lowes - REOTY Winners Q&A Head of People, Jason Heap from Lowes, 2019 Retail Employer of the Year Finalist and Large Category Category Winner (AUS)... Take a look
Sources of Talent Worth Mentioning To assist your sourcing strategy, we've compiled a list of talent sources we think are worth considering! Take a look
Spark - REOTY Winners Q&A Area Coach, Jody Stephens from Spark, 2019 Retail Employer of the Year Finalist and Medium Category Category Winner (NZ)... Take a look
Spendless Shoes - REOTY Winners Q&A Talent and Onboarding Manager, Nicole Murphy from Spendless Shoes, 2019 Retail Employer of the Year Finalist and Medium Category Category Winner (AUS)... Take a look
Foodstuffs North Island - REOTY Winners Q&A GM of People & Capability, Wendy from Foodstuffs North Island, 2019 Retail Employer of the Year Finalist and Large Category Winner (NZ)... Take a look
3 warning signs an employee is gearing up to exit Signs an employee is gearing up to exit can go completely under your radar. Or, the warning signs are blatantly obvious! Take a look
The ideal candidate Identifying the ideal candidate should involve more than refreshing position descriptions. A vacancy is an opportunity to tidy up the expectations of the skills, experience, and personal qualities required to do the job. Take a look
Thinking outside the box Expanding your recruitment search strategy to a wider talent pool beyond Retail is thinking outside the box. Take a look
Are these questions worth asking? "Who would win in a fight between The Hulk and Superman?" Take a look
Retaining your people These tips aren’t rocket science, likewise, adapting and making progress with any of the tips above won't cause change overnight. Although hopefully... Take a look
salary survey, get involved & have your say! We're dedicated retail recruitment specialists, passionate about providing relevant and credible employment trends and market insights. Take a look
What to do when you've been counter-offered As a job seeker, managing counteroffers is an awesome position to be in, you’re hot property! Take a look
Resigning isn't all that bad! Here's why... Remember, your manager is human too and has been in your shoes before. Take a look
Why you should care about employment branding Your employment brand is a glimpse into your organisation’s culture and a reflection of your reputation as an employer. Take a look
Are millennials disruptors? "Millennials are disruptors, they challenge the norm, push the boundaries, and break the rules" Take a look
"Ugh, Millennials." Seeking to understand us appears to be the challenge, but it’s only in doing so that you’ll uncover our positive’s, take us in your stride, and capitalise on what we have to offer as a generation. Take a look
We are Millennials - an introduction ‘Millennials’, the 'Me' generation, ‘Generation Next’, ‘Generation Y’. Take a look
5 Steps to develop your personal brand Your personal brand is a key contributor to the progression and success of your career. Take a look
Get your resume noticed - advice from the experts! You'd be surprised to know how many people forget even the most simple details from their resumes... Take a look